I usually see newcomers not use these to their benefit, tags. If you did not notice when you ask a new question there is a box that requires you to put at least one tag before you can even submit the question. You are allowed a max of 5 tags, so choose wisely but please choose more than one. I don’t mean always pick 5 tags on every question you ask, but at least pick 2 or 3 that generalize what the question is regarding. With questions on DBA.SE, generally speaking, you should at least have a tag for the RDBMS you are working with (I did say generally speaking).
Tags are what get your questions noticed. If you don’t already use it, I set a filter for a few tags that interest me by using the filter questions page. This is a page that I check frequently. I only have 3 tags because these are the subject areas that interest me the most, and keep me pretty busy.
You can click on your filter and it will show you every question that was tagged with the tag you selected either for a handful of sites or any site within the SE family. I have mine set to “all sites” but I pay close attention to those I find on DBA.SE.
These are the options you have when creating a new filter:
You can enter the first few characters of a tag like “sql” and let it sit a second and a list will be opened with all the tags on SE that match it. Once you enter a tag click in “Just these sites” and a check-box list will show with sites that have questions with that tag.
Filed under Uncategorized
Funny, I just saw this blog post today, right after I discovered the tag page!